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Michel + Nico

Hailing from Biarritz, brothers and former rugby players Michel + Nico bring the same level of passion, synergy and integrity to their filmmaking as they once did to the pitch.

After hanging up their boots, Michel spent some time as a social worker and Nico as an architect before they began their directing journey. Their backgrounds undoubtedly inform the tonality of their storytelling that’s characterised as sensitive, considered and grounded in the human experience.

They first honed their craft through self-funded documentaries, teaching themselves to film, light, edit, post, and animate their own work independently. Their ability to connect with real characters on-screen while crafting cinematic landscapes soon grabbed the attention of Red Bull, who was the first brand to recognise their talent and commission one of their documentaries. 

It wasn’t long before Michel + Nico’s first commercial project for Gillette launched during the Six Nations, featuring British and Irish Lions star, George North. The film’s universal themes resonated beyond the rugby community leading to further work for brands such as Sky Sport, BBC, Mercedes, Renault, SEAT, Lucozade, and Underarmour.

During the pandemic, the duo released their award-winning short film Forever Young, a love letter to the history of cinema and a compelling postmodern examination of filmmaking itself. Made in collaboration with their 10 year old sons Sacha & Robinson, it is a fascinating glimpse into how the youth regard the films that inspired their fathers, and contains their rumination on cinema, acting and fame.

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