Executive produced by Sharon Horgan (Catastrophe, Divorce) and directed by John Riggi (30 Rock), the webisodes are a humorous take on how people’s favorite television shows change the way they act and interact with each other. Starring John Ross Bowie (Big Bang Theory) and Jamie Denbo (Orange is the New Black), Glued takes viewers on a comedic journey in the life of a married couple who discover a new hit television show. From overcoming frustrating barriers to watching it, dealing with the guilt of “TV cheating” on your spouse and navigating the murky world of spoiler threats, Glued highlights different realities about how our favorite shows impact our lives. Throughout the series, the couple’s relationship grows and evolves just as their relationship with the show deepens. Supported by an integrated digital and social media campaign, including 15-second cut-downs, a show trailer and customized GIFs across brand owned and paid channels.
John Riggi